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Hello everybody, today I will write about the best concert in my life, although it was the only one I have been to, it was when a group called “Los Autenticos Decadentes” were performing here in Chile on November 16th last year, I was really concerned about it because the social environment was a bit tense due to the protests of the social outbreak and many concerts were getting canceled because of this, so a couple days before they announced that the group was performing anyways and with a friend of mine we arrived to Caupolican theater and we made the line to enter, the place was smaller than it seems at first look, and there we were, first line waiting for the show to start, and when they finally came out we couldn’t believe it, that we were looking at one of our favorite bands, I was very excited for being there with good music, good friends, and creating memories to tell my friends afterwards, by the way my friend was so much more fanatic than me, but it was most of all a experience that will always have a special place in my heart.


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Election Day

Hello I will treat the importance of voting, because the act of doing it remains on what you are hoping on what will happen with the country or the zone you are living into. Personally I will vote on the next presidential elections, because as my civic duty to go and express on who I want to follow the next years, today I think that a candidate to any public charge like a president must possess the ability to be emphatic and have a cold head to think through the problems a country could have, going from de social issues to the natural disasters, for me I couldn´t apply to a public charge due to the lack of knowledge about politics and I don't have a defined political group . The Electoral campaigns in my district are a bit invasive, advertising everywhere, in the parks on TV and wherever someone may be, and far away to say that is wrong. It could be annoying sometimes, if there is a favorite and you are not going after him/her, so it creates a tense situation among the voters.


 H i everyone! In the future, I would like to work in interior design, my favorite part of that job is remodeling houses, hotels, etc.  Design it's something that captivated me, since I was a child I used to watch tv shows about remodeling and see how the design affects the space that people are usually in. I am currently studying architecture, before that I wanted to study arts, but I decided this career because it's more “stable”, even so I plan to implement architecture with art. I would like to work with a group of people in an office. Architecture is hard to learn, but it's also very special, with many possibilities. I think it was a good decision to dedicate myself to architecture.

The worst place I have been

The worst place I have been is Lima, Peru, the capital of the country. 70 km from north to south, from Ancón district to Pucusana District y 44 km from east to west The reason behind this is when I traveled there it was summer time, the thing is that in Peru the heat is humid, and for me it was so annoying the fact of being suffocated because of the weather of the country, and it was mainly on of the worst experiences while traveling, the tourism wasn’t bad at all, but the fact of being there was not pleasant. The country itself is a very interesting place to go, it has a lot of culture and historic places, as well as their beautiful beaches besides the weather that is what makes it unbearable.